The corsets left mainstream society and so did the fainting couch, but that is far from being the end of the love affair with the corset. Men desire the hourglass figure that can be obtained from the corset. The corset left mainstream retail to take residence in shops specializing in the fantasies and desires that your mother would not want to know about.
Yet here we are today. Year after year. decade after decade. We have brain washed society into desiring that perfect body once again. We have been bombarded by media and the fashion industry into believing that if we do not have that perfect body then we are not desirable and run the risk of not finding that perfect mate.
Women throw large sums of cash at the cosmetic counters in order to get the latest trends that they are told that they must have. They paint their bodies hiding any and every imperfection because they are told that it is not desirable to have even the slights imperfection. They colorize their faces in hopes that they will be noticed in a crowed, wanting to be more beautiful than a room full of beautiful women. They strive for the perfect eyes to draw in the right gaze and their lips cry out to be gently caressed by the right man. Why is that?
Our social circles have changed. We are now influenced by advertising and the fashion industry, not so that we can be healthier person but so that the driving forces behind the industry of beauty can line their pockets with your hard earned money. They want you to coat your skin with their chemicals so that they can make money. Not all makeup is full of chemical, so you must do your homework before covering yourself with them. You must remember that your skin can and will absorb chemicals into your body and that is not really in your best interest.
And back to the rest of the woman's body. A body that is still being crammed into the perfect shape as defined by society. Countless hours are spent at the gym working out, trying to nip at fat deposits in order to be comparable to the airbrushed models wearing the latest fashion trends...that are a must have. As the body can no longer meet expectations money is wasted purchasing body shaping clothing such as control hosiery and yes, the ever famous corset is back.
Men have been brainwashed too, into thinking that these unnatural beauties are to be desired and sought after. The expectation of having a beautiful woman on his arm is a driving force in his expectations of that perfect woman. Then at the end of the day, when in the privacy of the home environment, the make up comes off, the shape-wear comes off and reality comes to destroy that fantasy. Once again the mind wanders on to the next prize that the man can possess, crushing the hopes of truly seeing the natural beauty that lies beside him.
Fortunately, the veil has been removed from my eyes. I still see the beauty as society defines it, but I desire only the beauty designed by nature. Even though I have immersed myself in a world of societies beauty I desire to call for change in how to define beauty. Fortunately, the industry is starting to take notice of this but it is slow and may never be fully realized. Only time will tell.
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