Friday, February 2, 2018

The End is The Beginning

I have been on a mission new for the past several years. A mission that has been a strain on every part of who I am, and who I have become.

During these past several years I have been learning so much in the running a business. Not only will I be able to apply my on the job knowledge of business management, I will also have a better understanding of the all areas of business management.

Since I have taken on the education with a bachelors degree in business management I have learned other skills that I wish to apply to the prospects of my own business ventures.

One of the things that I have taken on and learned about is sewing. I started out by sewing a couple of zipper bags. I have also taken on the construction of a couple of skirts. They might not be something that will be worn out on the town, at least not yet. The learning that I have done over the past few years has been refining my techniques and I will soon be able to construct works of art.

My latest course of study in the world of sewing is to learn the are of the pleat. Since there are many different types of pleats out there I will be working through them and learning everything that I can about them. Many of these will be worked into various articles of clothing. I however do not want to just leave it at clothing, I want to add to my collection of other crafting endeavors.

In my spare time, which there is very little I have started the construction of a new skirt, which is pictured above. The material that I am using is reclaimed which is a trend that I intend to continue. This skirt will be a maxi that incorporates box pleats. It might take a few more weeks to finish, not because making a skirt is difficult to construct, but passing my accounting finals is. After passing this exam I have just one more class left and that is my capstone project. 

The end of my bachelors degree represents that beginning of other promises that life will provide for me. Until then, have the most wonderful time...and never stop learning.

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